After every performance, the audience exits into a space where a couple of Guestbooks are laid out. Some people write in them; some don’t. Some send emails which are then taped into the books.
- Dear DNA – Will I be able to live without you? The endless hours of doing nothing with DNA will now have to go on … I did not enjoy every single moment, for every moment held some new and repulsive fact of life to be embraced with much caution. A loathsome task indeed. It was my pleasure.
- Never in my life have I gone through such a constant barrage of intertwined bullshit and eloquence. I thought the ending, in which everyone is dying or dead, to be the utmost in contrived offence. I have no doubt that is exactly what you intended. You succeeded in this with the utmost of nauseating ease. My congratulations.
- Boring boring boring – and old – thanks. (cf. Performing garage 1970)
- Trop bien.
- Well, another outstanding performance to your credit. The text revealed in such unusual form, and in so many different ways, brings life to the acting. I find my mind wanders from the action, desperate for further stimulation. When there is not silence, there is music. Ear-splitting volume and superb pieces combine to touch the care of my body, of my soul.
- Merci beaucoup. C'était fabuleux. Un privilège d'assister à un si beau spectacle.
- Lovely: I enjoyed almost every minute of your performance. The mélange of noise; music, voice, and every extraneous sound know to man, was dazzling, stupefying, astounding! Every action piqued my senses in a new way. Amen.
- Je ne sais pas dans quelle catégorie vous placer … mais … excellent et merci. (Henri Pardo)
- I loved the show. I didn't understand it completely, but it loved it anyways. The choreography [repeated for the fourth time in a row] was … kind of annoying.
- Ma deuxièmes experiénces fût encore meilleurs … Bravo
- They told me Shakespeare was boring … They told me theatre was dead. They told me so many things that weren't true. Thank you. I'm not sure for what. There must be a god. (Sophie)
- Heureuse pour vous, heureuse pour moi. Une âme dans ta maison pendant longtemps. (Elyse)
- It is interesting to witness this closest to living tragedy of Hamlet, before this piece, we could categorize Hamlet; now you have dethroned it and made a rebirth of a brilliant masterpiece for everyone to see again and learn with interest …
- Eight hours is not long in your company. I enjoyed each moment of it.
- J'ai aimé … quelle performance de concentration marathonienne.
- “Who could ask for anything more?” (Solange Lévesque)
- Rester ou ne pas rester jusqu'á la fin. C'est une grande question!! (Catherine Alarie) Avec toute mon admiration.